
Welcome to my site.

I’m Caylynn.

When I was younger, I used to tell people I wanted to be a “Professional Thing Maker.” I’d craft and create in my room, selling the items I designed to friends and at local art walks. Through artistic connections, I learned about the field of Industrial Design and realized the creative possibilities it offered aligned perfectly with my love for “thing making.” I was hooked. My love of design blossomed into a Bachelors of Science in Industrial Design from the Art Institute Orange County.

My design passions are Product Ideation, Product Psychology and model fabrication. Current projects include Furniture and lighting design, clothing and handbag design, jewelry design, stained glass and welded metal sculpture making. For these projects, my skills in 3D modeling, sketching, rendering, packaging, and marketing have been invaluable. I enjoy working in fast paced environments that encourage creative experimentation and growth, and I am looking to be part of a team with whom I can share ideas and evolve concepts in unique and beautiful ways.

If you are interested in my help with a project, contact me here.

Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to hearing from you!